Opportunities to Serve

Serving is a great way to get involved and get connected at Midtown. 

Below are areas where we have an urgent need for volunteers.

FAll Work Day

We are a few weeks away from Midtown’s Fall Work Day! This is an annual event that Midtown hosts to  provide the opportunity for our church to gather and care for the Church’s building and property. Our  aim is to fellowship, serve practical needs, and have fun being together. The Building and Grounds Team  will be organizing and leading the Workday event. Here is the vision of the Building and Grounds Team: 


• The team exists to provide a comfortable and safe place at Midtown for people to gather to  worship the living God. 

• Our aim is to anticipate and manage all maintenance needs of Midtown’s building and grounds,  and to provide support for the staff, leadership and others who utilize the building for any  reason. 

• Our desire is to provide opportunities for people to serve and use their God-given gifts to the  glory of God and for the betterment of our community. 

The Work Day is certainly one of the most productive ways to complete repairs and maintenance items  on the Church Building “to-do list”. We have an old, beautiful building that needs continual upkeep and  restoration! Once again, we will be working on the landscape, cleaning, painting, general repairs, and a  list of other miscellaneous assignments. All you need to bring is yourself! We will provide the tools and  supplies necessary to complete the assignments. Mark your calendars: 


Saturday 10/21/22



Any time that you can serve is much appreciated and helpful. 

We hope you can join us! 


Building and Grounds Team

Nursery Volunteers

Midtown is currently looking for nursery workers for our 8:45 am Christian Ed hour. If 8 people say "yes" to serve twice during the semester, we can fully staff the nursery! 

If you are interested in caring for helping build a foundation for our youngest children, please reach out to Julie Lamb. 

Worship Team

The worship team is looking for more people to use their musical gifts to help lead worship on Sunday mornings. If you are interested in joining or learning more information, please fill out an interest form here.