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Adult Ed
Miss a class or a whole series?
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How God Changes Us
February-April 2022
How does God change us? As followers of Christ, we long to grow in godliness, holiness, and Christlikeness. But so often we find ourselves stuck. Our sin runs deep, we continue to fail, and we are constantly tempted to give up or give in. But the Bible promises us that we are not stuck. We can actually grow. In this class, we will look at how God’s transforming power creates real change in us so that we can overcome sin and make progress in our spiritual walk. Through it all, we’ll find that growing in Christ is a relational rather than a formulaic experience. Looking to Jesus, we will put off sin and be perfected in faith (Heb. 12:1-2).
Sept-Nov 2021
This 8-week study, led by Pastor Rick Whitlock, will investigate the heart of Jesus and how his very nature causes him to move toward sinners and sufferers rather than away from them. We will be using the book Gentle and Lowly: the Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers by Dane Ortlund to guide our discussion. The book is recommended but is not required for the study; free copies are available at the church.
Theology of Place
November 2020
It is important for us to study a theology of place: we must consider how God calls his people to be a faithful presence in the particular places he puts them. How is God calling us to work out our general calling to be his faithful people in our particular place (Broad Ripple) at this particular time (21st Century America) with our particular assets (our church building, homes, neighborhoods, bank accounts, work, etc.)?
Click here to access the PowerPoints from the Town Hall Meeting.
Video #1 Live where you are planted
Video #2 Love where you are planted
Faith and Politics
October 2020
What do Christians believe about social and political engagement in their city and country? What are we to be and to do in light of our dual reality — we live in this world and are called to participate in it, and yet our citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20) and our kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36)? Pastors Corey and Rick taught on citizenship and politics in light of a Christian worldview. Join us for this special edition of Adult Education at Midtown as we consider Faith and Politics in an Election Year.
Sept-Oct 2019
This 8-week video study, with discussion, asks, 'What's the best love you've ever known?' Discover the joy, unity, righteousness and love which comes through following Christ as we explore Paul's letter to the Philippians.
Mar-May 2019
Curiosity about the concept of Justice has recently captured our society. The word "Justice" was Webster's Word of the Year for 2018. For the Christian, however, justice takes on an entirely new perspective, separate from political views or social trends. It is not optional. It is clearly commanded. It is revealed especially in the person of Jesus Christ. Join us for this 6 week class as Bill Regan and Josh Carter teach on a Biblical perspective on justice and how you can participate in doing justice today.
Jan-Mar 2019
This 9-session, video-based study is designed to not only help parents find new ways to integrate faith into everyday parenting moments, but also to create an environment where moms and dads can shoulder burdens together, celebrate breakthroughs, and relate to one another’s day to day parenting journey.
Nov / Dec 2018
This class covers some of the distinctive teaching and doctrine of the PCA. Taught by the elders, it allows for an expansion of discussion on topics such as church government, election, covenant theology, and baptism. Come and join us in learning about how Midtown seeks to live faithfully to the Scriptures in their unique expression in the reformed tradition.
Sept / Oct 2018
Do you struggle with peer pressure? Are you frequently concerned with what others think about you? Are you an approval junkie? This discussion on the Fear of Man will delve into this universal problem, its manifestations, and solutions for freedom from fear. The Bible calls the Fear of Man a snare to be avoided and, instead, replaced with an appropriate Fear of the living God.
May 2018
Friends from our sister church at Redeemer PCA in Indianapolis lead a discussion on counseling, grief, and how the past impacts the present. This class offers insight into New Hope's services to help with restoration of the whole person.
March -April 2018
This topic of Spiritual Disciplines is so incredibly pertinent in today's world where quick entertainment, distraction, and superficial thinking prevail. This class explores the need for believers to place themselves in the path of God's grace by making a habit of the spiritual disciplines. These include discussions on Bible study, meditation, memory, prayer, fasting, solitude, corporate worship, resting, evangelism, and service. Spiritual disciplines are derived from the Gospel, not divorced from the Gospel. It will be taught by Curt Wible, Evan Wible, and Josh Carter.
Jan - March 2018
Racial inequality. The Sexual Revolution. The Age of Social Media. Political correctness. Today's society has become increasingly hostile to the truths and values of the Gospel. The Scriptures have much to say to us about these hot topics of today's culture, both to engage our society and also to engage our own hearts. This series will be an overview of many of the most pertinent and challenging topics of our day, leading us to knowledge of truth and to engaging our neighbors in love. Various teachers.
Nov-Dec 2017
Does the Bible tell one single story? How does the Old fit with the New? Join us as we explore the presence of Jesus in the Old Testament. This 7-week series will address how Jesus can be seen in the OT law, prophets, creation, and elsewhere, and why that matters for how we approach the scriptures today. Harold Lee and Josh Carter will serve as teachers for this foundational topic.
This 8-week study investigates how the truths of the Gospel apply to every aspect of our lives. We will look at the impact of the Gospel on our hearts, on our idols, on our city, our mission, and much more. Bruce Cooley and Josh Carter will lead this discussion using material from Redeemer Church PCA in NYC.