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Community Groups
Led by Bryan & Christine Epsky and Johnny & Kelsey Wegener
Tuesdays 6:00-7:30 pm
Childcare: Yes
Snacks Only
Bryan Epsky: bepsky@yahoo.com
Christine Epsky: christine.hudson317@gmail.com
Johnny Wegener: john.augustine.wegener@gmail.com
Kelsey Wegener: kelseygwegener@gmail.com
Wynnedale (42nd and Knollton)
Led by Isaac & Julie Lamb, and Jared & Paige Enas
Tuesdays 6:00 -7:30 pm
Childcare: no
Snacks Only, Dinner 2nd week of every month
Isaac Lamb: iwlamb4@gmail.com
Julie Lamb: julie@midtownchurchindy.org
Jared Enas: jared.s.enas@gmail.com
Paige Enas: paigeenas@gmail.com
Allisonville (71st & Allisonville)
Led by Eric and Amanda Müller
Tuesdays 6:30-8:00 pm
Childcare: No
Snacks Only
Amanda Müller: amannesmuller@gmail.com
Eric Müller: emuller@dreamalive.org
SoBro (58th & Carrollton)
Led by Corey and Janet Smith
Tuesdays 6:30-8:00
Childcare: No
Snacks Only
Corey Smith: corey@midtownchurchindy.org
Janet Smith: janetcsmith@gmail.com
Fishers (96th & Melleonkauf)
Led by Wil and Casey Terbrack
Tuesdays (except the last Tuesday of the month)
Childcare: No
Snacks Only
Wil Terbrack: william.terbrack@gmail.com
Casey Terbrack: casey.terbrack@aol.com
Mapleton-Fall Creek (31st & N New Jersey)
Led by Zach and Kortni Hamil and Zach and Diane Hendershot
Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 pm
Childcare: Yes
Snacks Only
Zach Hamil: zach.hamil@gmail.com
Zach Hendershot: zahendershot@gmail.com
Glendale (65th and Allisonville)
Led by Kegan and Tori Hoover
Thursdays 6:00-8:00 pm
Childcare: Yes
Dinner for Adults
Tori Hoover: victoriabhoover@gmail.com
SoBro (52nd and Park)
Led by Bill and Andrea Regan
Thursdays 6:30-8:00 pm
Childcare: Yes
Snacks Only
Andrea Regan: aregan0369@gmail.com
Millersville (56th & Binford)
Led by Wes and Cassie Trapp
Thursdays 6 - 8 pm
Childcare: Yes
Dinner: Yes
Cassie Trapp: cdenny19@gmail.com
Millersville (56th & Allisonville)
Led by Josh and Michelle Spear
2nd and 4th Sundays 12:00-2:00pm
Meets at the Ministry House or in a park
Childcare: No
Pack a lunch
Josh Spear: joshuaspear11@gmail.com
Michelle Spear: mkreamer88@gmail.com